Tim Burton News, dancing Christopher Walken, and other random news
Apparently, recently, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp have finally secured the rights to the broadway musical thriller "Sweeney Todd" (which is set in the Victorian period) which combines comedy with gothic elements (pure Burton) and production will commence shortly for a film adaptation. Because my fingers are tired, here is the news story from rottentomatoes along with a synopsis. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/news/comments/?entryid=354615
A film which combines the best of Burton and a musical (a supposedly great musical at that). Hell, I'm sold. It's just sad that we'll have to wait till 2007 to see it.
Speaking of musicals, also announced this week is the casting of Christopher Walken in a remake of John Waters' 1988 comedy musical Hair Spray. If Chrisopher Walken dances and sings, I'm in. Although to see Walken dance, I could just as well watch the Spike Jonze music video Weapon of Choice. Meh, I'd rather watch Walken go crazy on a dance floor in the context of a film and if he sings, it will be an added bonus (I doubt it though). Here is a link to the story.
Lastly and most bizarrely is the news of two twin projects revolving around the same source material. The material is "Journey into the West," a very well known and popular Chinese fantasy tale (which I have been trying to find, but alas I could not). On one side, Jet Li and Jackie Chan will pair up for the first time to create a film in which a modern martial artist travels back in time to confront the Monkey King (of the Chinese fantasy tale). The odd part of this story is the rumour that Peter Jackson is interested in directing this film (who knew?). Although, it is only a rumour. Frankly, this project does not interest me so much because it just sounds silly, but the second rumoured project does.
The other rumoured twin project based on this fantasy tale is just as strange in terms of the paired collaborators. Apparently, Steven Spielberg wants to direct an adaptation of the fantasy tale along with Zhang Yimou (whom I love). An odd pairing, for sure, but this project will probably be a closer adaptation of the tale than one involving a time traveling martial artist. I am excited just because Zhang Yimou is interested and I have always loved the beautiful cinematography of his films. Although, this one could be a complete fabrication. Yet, I can always dream.
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